Tuesday 11 March 2008

A worthy Blog to keep up with!

I have been meaning to link to this site for a while so you can read the amazing story of Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth Lawrenson. Bascially, Trica has Cystic Fibrosis (look at their site for waaaaay more info than I could ever think I could give you!) and was just about listed for a double lung transplant, when they found out that she was pregnant. Being a couple who dearly love the Lord, they of course embraced the blessign that He had sent and continued with the pregnancy. Tricia became seriously ill with her Cf in December of last year, and it was decided that they should deliver Gwyneth at just 24 weeks and 5 days! The Blog follows their story from last August (I think ?!?) until now. It is a truly amazing story - frank, honest, emotional and most of all, depending fully on the Lord and trusting in His perfect will for them. Read about them at www.cfhusband.blogspot.com

Another Blogger thought it would be nice if other Mum's could share what precious things that Tricia has to look forward to on the baby and children front! All those joys and interesting moments to come! learysinlove.blogspot.com/2008/03/for-tricia.html

So, here are mine!...

1. Lifting you little girl up in the air and getting that LOVELY dribble in your eye!
2. Creeping into her room when you go to bed, just to stroke her face and see that "all is well", hearing the sound of her gentle breathing, wonderfully oblivious to your presence....
3. Hearing, for the hundredth time "are we THERE yet?........"
4. That precious first time when they utter the word "mama".....(usually heard quite soon after they manage "dada"...hmmmmmm)
5. Those times when something goes wrong and the only person they need is "muuuuuuuuummy", and you can pick them up, hug them tight, and know all their worries will fade in that moment...
6. Any "first" things they do...you can ring everyone in your phone book and tell them "isn't she AMAZING she just did.........", as if she were the first child to ever accomplish such a thing! (I have had four now, and I still EXPECT my friends and family to be interested with first teeth, first movements and every other first!)
7. Saying, on production of a good "burp" aren't you a CLEVER girl.......anyone who can tell me that magical moment when you suddenly start to tell them it IS in fact RUDE??? Not sure which age that happens at....lol

I'm sure there are loads more...I'l have to look at other ladies blogs now!

If you want to follow suit, it will make interesting reading for Tricia nad Nate!

1 comment:

The Coderlambian said...

I see you haven't blogged for a bit, but found my way to you through 'homeschool on the croft'....at any rate, a post from quite a while back about homeschooling week starting w/ a good house cleaning is a great idea! Making sure everyone knows how to do the regular household jobs - and do them well. I may need to take a week to do that! Thanks! Nice to "meet" ya!