Wednesday 27 June 2007

Here, there and everywhere.....

"Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising..."  Psalm 139:2

Well, it's safe to say that we have covered quite a few miles lately.  I also think that last week was a "field trip" education!  We didn't sit down with our books, but we saw a lot and I'm sure the children were educated!

A friend of mine, with whom I went to High School, came to visit with her daughter.  Liz and Molly arrived on the Monday and stayed until the Wednesday.  Their trip included "educational trips" to the airport and a farm  

The children had great fun at the farm park - especially as we had the special treat of being joined by Auntie Angela and Esther!  

They fed the goats,

(why buy animal feed when you can grab a handful of hay from the manger?....!)

groomed a pony......

and of course, the always enjoyed....climbing frame and swings (which of course you can find for free many places....;-))
Mummy had some exercise on the go-karts - if Angela sends me some of her pictures, i'll add them sometime!  

We then had Grandma come to stay for a few days, which was lovely.  The highlight amongst the children is that Grandma makes them porridge!  They looooove Grandma's porridge!  We took Grandma back to Chelmsford on the Saturday, and had the privelage of being at the baptism of Sam and Melissa Gardener.  We went to Grandma and Grandpa's for the children to see Oliver.....

the cat!  

We also went to Auntie Angela's where we had another "educational" experience......see if you can spot it.....

Look a little closer......

Yes, a frog in their pond.  Auntie Angela confidently retrieved it for Joshua...who promptly decided he wasn't sure about a "hands on" approach with something so lively...hence why it was on the ground in the picture, and NOT in his hands!  

Monday brought us up to Ramsey to visit our friends, the Brooks'.  We went out for dinner to Frankie and Benny's (postponed from holiday when half of us were ill....) which was nice - other than the length of time it took to get dinner.  We gave up on dessert.....if at first you don't succeed...go to McDonald's!  We all enjoyed a "thoroughly decent" ice-cream there instead!

Look at the camera and smile!.....

Thank-you Eleni - at least one out of four isn't bad!

We were back to "normality"this week (what's that, I ask?!).  Like,  forgetting the piano tuner is coming until he arrives at the door,
Daniel eating play dough....  No resident guests that is!  Although Ed, Jo and
 David arrive 
Saturday night at the Cordle Guesthouse!  Baby number 2 
for Ed and Jo could also  arrive soon.  Watch this space for news on a  new nephew or niece (spot the excited "Auntie in waiting"!)

Speaking of play dough....WHY didn't I do this sooner....make my own?!  
 It was so easy (i especially liked the tip online to add the colour to the water BEFORE mixing it - easier to blend the colour)....

1 cup flour (plain)
1/4 cup salt
1/4 water (add colour to this)

Knead together...and play!  I made 4 different colours, and it's now in my fridge waiting for another day!  The children played with it for aaaaages!  When I get some more food colouring I'll improve on the colour options.

Saturday 16 June 2007

Psalm 133:1  " pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity"

If only?!......united in an effort to rain terror and destruction on a poor mother's efforts to remain sane 
and keep a tidy!  Well, it certainly would be pleasant if it happened more often! - the dwelling in unity part, NOT the terror!

The children have been playing in the pop-up tents today.  It's amazing
that when they
haven't had a particular toy for a while, it holds a greater appeal when they have it again.  We lent out the tents and tunnel to a friend, and they 
were returned yesterday (along with some choccies as a thank-you - yum!).  The children have had great fun with them, 
especially as it 
is raining
today and they are stuck indoors.

Daniel particularly enjoyed the tunnel!

"dwelling together in unity"?.....for a few minutes anyway!

This time last week we were all out in the hot sunshine, while Mummy chopped back the shrubs in the garden.  I figured that when we got to the stage of not being able to get the double buggy past on the pavement, it was time for action!  The 3 older children kindly helped me put the clippings in the bin (whilst I made sure they didn't dash onto the road.....!).  However, Master Joshua got slightly distracted from the job in hand - the gardening lesson became an impromptu nature study (are we surprised?!).  Joshua found an array of molluscs hiding in the leaf debris under the shrubs.  Of course, they were much more interesting than tidying!

They were actually quite a good variety of colours and sizes....for someone interested in snails that is!

Susanna slept right through the night for the first time this week!  It was the night after her jabs, and she didn't repeat the next night - in fact she woke 2 times last night!!! (she does have the cold a little, and was struggling with breathing a bit, so woke up...)  Mind you, when you are rewarded with a happy, smiling daughter at 5 in the morning, it's not so bad!

sleeping beauty...!

Well, today will be filled with a tidying effort for my friend and her little girl coming on Monday.  Then Mum and Dad come the day she leaves, and mum will stay up for a few days, so the children are looking forward to all the company.

Then, Uncle Andrew and Auntie Anna are coming later today to give Beth her Birthday present.  

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Working together!

Ecc 4:9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

It doesn't happen often among children....well, at least mine!....but, we have had some good co-operation going on here the last couple of days.  Don't get me wrong....we have had plenty of the usual bickering too!

We started back with school yesterday, and got on well considering we had quite a long break recently.  But the day was crowned (from the children's perspective!) by a nice trip to the park.  It was there that the team-work appeared.  Josh got on the swing and Beth volunteered to do the pushing!

 Younger helping the older!

 This carried through to them all helping Daniel get on the see-saw....just a pity that Joshua went up and down so hard that Daniel was QUITE happy to get back off all on his own!!!

Today, as Daniel was still grizzly and clingy, we didn't do school until he went for his morning nap.  So, I let them do some educational games on the computer - more team-work went on there as Joshua helped Beth and Daniel join in the fun.  

It's nice to see them doing things happily together, rather than the, all too frequent,  fall-outs.  

Monday 4 June 2007

Thoughts form a Chinese "take-away"

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift" 2 Cor. 9:15

Now, those who know me well will not be surprised at how I can make a jump from a take-away meal to the above verse.  I have a verrrrrry rapid and strange thought!  Well, we were blessed with a friend visiting this evening and he treated Robert and I (with the children packed off in bed!) to a Chinese take-away meal (yummy, from our local!).  As is their usual, we received a free "fortune cookie" with our meal.  Now, we of course don't believe in "fortune" - providence, yes - fortune, no!  However, what they said made me think.  Mine said nothing helpful, but the 2 guys both had one that said "you are gifted in many ways".  Now they, of course, had a laugh about it, and it didn't do much to help thier ego'!  However, it led me to think of how we as Christians are "gifted" - in the realm of being given gifts, rather then having them.  I thought immediately of 3 different gifts we have.  We have
 the "unspeakable gift" from God, of the Lord Jesus.  We 
have the gift of "eternal life" THROUGH the Lord Jesus.  
And we have the gift of the
Holy Spirit when we trust in Christ as Saviour.  What a 
privelage we have - what better gift could we hope for than that?  So, goes to show you, we can find Christ in all things, if we look carefully.  I suppose that is how
we can have a Christ-filled life, by allowing our thoughts to dwell on Him
in all ways.  

We start back with school tomorrow after having a week off with illness.  I'll probably have a little boy who struggles with concentration (different form normal, how?  However, he is progressing all the time, which is such a joy to see.  And what a privelage to be fully involved with such an important time in his learning - his formative years!

Sunday 3 June 2007

Godliness with contentment

1Ti 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain

My daily readings took me today to begin reading the book of Proverbs again.  Isn't it amazing how you can see things anew EVERY time we read God's word?!  I was particularly struck by the description of those who are "greedy of gain", in Chapter 1:10 of Proverbs.  Those who desire this world's goods are told that it "taketh away the life of the owners thereof".  If that isn't a warning against seeking the "things" of life, I don't know what is!  We mustn't be constantly running after temporal things, but rather "set our affections on things above".  The gain that we need to be seeking is "godliness 
with contentment" 
The things of the Lord truly give us a contentment in our circumstances of life.  If we are close to HIM, we will be reminded that HE is in control of our circumstances, and to feel miserable and discontent is sin.  How often our life falls short of OUR expectations, but, praise God, it is EXACTLY the way HE desires it to be!  

Today, I have been content with the fact that I have not been able to go to Church, due to illness.  There would have been a time where I felt discouraged by a day like today.  But, I can rejoice that God is in control, and I am content!  I gained great blessing by watching 3 different services on-line, and caught the end of a testimony service as well.  I definately would benefit from hearing the sermon that Robert brought this morning on our conflict against the devil - but that will be EXTRA to what I got today!

Bethany was  the only little one at Church today - she happily toddled off with Daddy - "can I go in the FRONT of the car with Daddy" was her request before leaving - the little things in life that bring  joy to!

Saturday 2 June 2007

Ups and Downs

Psa 139:10  Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

I had the 2 youngest children at home this afternoon, while Robert took the 2 oldest to our Service of Thanksgiving.  I felt Daniel neede a change of scenery, so we toddled off round the village, ending up in the - you guessed it - park!  Well, Daniel headed straight to his favourite - the swings.  What a smile he gave - I think he enjoyed the air getting round him, after feeling so miserable at home!  But while I watched, as he went up and down, it made me think of how our days can be like that - ups and downs.  I definately  think I could sum up this week as one of "ups and downs".  The horrid illness that most of us have had has been the one major "down"!  When you are surrounded by grumpy, miserable children - one who cannot tell you verbally what is wrong - then it is a real time of trying. When you still have to try and keep things running in 
the home, whilst nursing an 8 week old, wiping the nose of the 
20 month old, cuddling the 5 year old, and answering the varied queries of the only 
well little person (who is 4 and good at asking looooots of questions!).  But, we are promised in God's Word that He will "lead" and "hold" us no matter our circumstances.  How can we complain, when He has promised us strength?  How can we complain when He has given us so much - not least of all the children who are the "cause" of the down.  And, of course there is the never-failing "think how they must feel, never mind me!"  They are the ones feeling ill, and that's never good!  Well, actually, I am starting to feel how they have but, praise God, so far seem not to have it quite like them.  Hey, struggling to swallow could be gooood for getting back into!

What of the "ups" you ask?  Well, as the hymn states "Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice".  Too many blessings to count really.  But those special moments - a cute chuckle from Susanna; a bunch of daisies from the garden from Josh; a spontaneous "love you Mummy" from Beth; and the happiness of being in the park from Daniel.

I probably won't even get to Church tomorrow, going by how Daniel was today, but I still cannot complain.  I'll get comfy in front of, yes, the
computer and watch a service  on sermon audio.  One of the "unnumbered blessings" of
 modern technology!


When upon life's billows You are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged Thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings Name them one by one,
And it will surprise you What the Lord hath done.


Count your blessings Name them one by one.
Count your blessings See what God hath done.
Count your blessings Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings See what God hath done.
Are you ever burdened With a load of care,
Does the cross seem heavy You are called to bear.
Count your many blessings Every doubt will fly,
And you will be singing As the days go by.

When you look at others With their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised You His wealth untold.
Count your many blessings Money cannot buy,
Your reward in heaven Nor your home on high.

So amid the conflict Whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged God is over all.
Count your many blessings Angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you To your journey's end.

Friday 1 June 2007

My first blog!

"First Day"

"In every thing give thanks" I Thess 5:18

Well, here I am - in the world of "THE BLOG". I thought it may be a useful way of sharing "life in the house of..." The Cordle Clan. Once you have my blog address, I guess there is no reason to say that you don't know how we are! "LAZY"?...maybe "EFFICIENT"?...I'D like to think so!!

So how are we, on this beautiful first day of June...? Miserable, ill, but ALWAYS thankful to God! GRIN  At least I have my children TO enjoy....and I have a long way to go befoe I have a day as bad as Job!

Josh and Daniel have had a fluey virus accompanied by a high temperature.  Just what we needed to top off the tummy bug on holiday last week....  Even though they have been feeling quite poorly, they got some time in the garden, when they mustered up the energy!  After the rain of this week, it was nice to go for walk in the sunshine this morning as well.  Here are some piccies of them today.....

"My ball went out here....."

"I WILL get it back...."

" it"

Joshua did some hunting for insects...we almost got a good picture of a Moth he caught....until Daniel chased it!

Bethany helped me with some laundry....all helping towards her ambition of "being a big lady like Mummy and doing washing and cooking and cleaning".  I prefer the emphasis to be on the verbs rather than the!  

Susanna is just her usual happy self.  She has been smiling a lot now, and even chuckling at points, which is very cute!  I must get someone else to take some pictures - all mine are of her in her bouncer, looking (as she is I suppose) -  quite chubby!  As the GP said yesterday "no such thing as overweight breast-fed babies!"  So, here she is....

Robert has had the virus too, so has been struggling to do his work.  We have our Service of Thanksgiving at Church tomorrow - 5 years of Robert being the Pastor here!  I hope to be there,  but it depends on how the children are tomorrow - we don't really want to "spread the happiness" of a flu!

Anyway, I hope to keep everyone up-to-date with how we are, so I'll try and be good and post again soon!