Friday 1 June 2007

My first blog!

"First Day"

"In every thing give thanks" I Thess 5:18

Well, here I am - in the world of "THE BLOG". I thought it may be a useful way of sharing "life in the house of..." The Cordle Clan. Once you have my blog address, I guess there is no reason to say that you don't know how we are! "LAZY"?...maybe "EFFICIENT"?...I'D like to think so!!

So how are we, on this beautiful first day of June...? Miserable, ill, but ALWAYS thankful to God! GRIN  At least I have my children TO enjoy....and I have a long way to go befoe I have a day as bad as Job!

Josh and Daniel have had a fluey virus accompanied by a high temperature.  Just what we needed to top off the tummy bug on holiday last week....  Even though they have been feeling quite poorly, they got some time in the garden, when they mustered up the energy!  After the rain of this week, it was nice to go for walk in the sunshine this morning as well.  Here are some piccies of them today.....

"My ball went out here....."

"I WILL get it back...."

" it"

Joshua did some hunting for insects...we almost got a good picture of a Moth he caught....until Daniel chased it!

Bethany helped me with some laundry....all helping towards her ambition of "being a big lady like Mummy and doing washing and cooking and cleaning".  I prefer the emphasis to be on the verbs rather than the!  

Susanna is just her usual happy self.  She has been smiling a lot now, and even chuckling at points, which is very cute!  I must get someone else to take some pictures - all mine are of her in her bouncer, looking (as she is I suppose) -  quite chubby!  As the GP said yesterday "no such thing as overweight breast-fed babies!"  So, here she is....

Robert has had the virus too, so has been struggling to do his work.  We have our Service of Thanksgiving at Church tomorrow - 5 years of Robert being the Pastor here!  I hope to be there,  but it depends on how the children are tomorrow - we don't really want to "spread the happiness" of a flu!

Anyway, I hope to keep everyone up-to-date with how we are, so I'll try and be good and post again soon!

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