Monday 4 June 2007

Thoughts form a Chinese "take-away"

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift" 2 Cor. 9:15

Now, those who know me well will not be surprised at how I can make a jump from a take-away meal to the above verse.  I have a verrrrrry rapid and strange thought!  Well, we were blessed with a friend visiting this evening and he treated Robert and I (with the children packed off in bed!) to a Chinese take-away meal (yummy, from our local!).  As is their usual, we received a free "fortune cookie" with our meal.  Now, we of course don't believe in "fortune" - providence, yes - fortune, no!  However, what they said made me think.  Mine said nothing helpful, but the 2 guys both had one that said "you are gifted in many ways".  Now they, of course, had a laugh about it, and it didn't do much to help thier ego'!  However, it led me to think of how we as Christians are "gifted" - in the realm of being given gifts, rather then having them.  I thought immediately of 3 different gifts we have.  We have
 the "unspeakable gift" from God, of the Lord Jesus.  We 
have the gift of "eternal life" THROUGH the Lord Jesus.  
And we have the gift of the
Holy Spirit when we trust in Christ as Saviour.  What a 
privelage we have - what better gift could we hope for than that?  So, goes to show you, we can find Christ in all things, if we look carefully.  I suppose that is how
we can have a Christ-filled life, by allowing our thoughts to dwell on Him
in all ways.  

We start back with school tomorrow after having a week off with illness.  I'll probably have a little boy who struggles with concentration (different form normal, how?  However, he is progressing all the time, which is such a joy to see.  And what a privelage to be fully involved with such an important time in his learning - his formative years!

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