Wednesday 27 June 2007

Here, there and everywhere.....

"Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising..."  Psalm 139:2

Well, it's safe to say that we have covered quite a few miles lately.  I also think that last week was a "field trip" education!  We didn't sit down with our books, but we saw a lot and I'm sure the children were educated!

A friend of mine, with whom I went to High School, came to visit with her daughter.  Liz and Molly arrived on the Monday and stayed until the Wednesday.  Their trip included "educational trips" to the airport and a farm  

The children had great fun at the farm park - especially as we had the special treat of being joined by Auntie Angela and Esther!  

They fed the goats,

(why buy animal feed when you can grab a handful of hay from the manger?....!)

groomed a pony......

and of course, the always enjoyed....climbing frame and swings (which of course you can find for free many places....;-))
Mummy had some exercise on the go-karts - if Angela sends me some of her pictures, i'll add them sometime!  

We then had Grandma come to stay for a few days, which was lovely.  The highlight amongst the children is that Grandma makes them porridge!  They looooove Grandma's porridge!  We took Grandma back to Chelmsford on the Saturday, and had the privelage of being at the baptism of Sam and Melissa Gardener.  We went to Grandma and Grandpa's for the children to see Oliver.....

the cat!  

We also went to Auntie Angela's where we had another "educational" experience......see if you can spot it.....

Look a little closer......

Yes, a frog in their pond.  Auntie Angela confidently retrieved it for Joshua...who promptly decided he wasn't sure about a "hands on" approach with something so lively...hence why it was on the ground in the picture, and NOT in his hands!  

Monday brought us up to Ramsey to visit our friends, the Brooks'.  We went out for dinner to Frankie and Benny's (postponed from holiday when half of us were ill....) which was nice - other than the length of time it took to get dinner.  We gave up on dessert.....if at first you don't succeed...go to McDonald's!  We all enjoyed a "thoroughly decent" ice-cream there instead!

Look at the camera and smile!.....

Thank-you Eleni - at least one out of four isn't bad!

We were back to "normality"this week (what's that, I ask?!).  Like,  forgetting the piano tuner is coming until he arrives at the door,
Daniel eating play dough....  No resident guests that is!  Although Ed, Jo and
 David arrive 
Saturday night at the Cordle Guesthouse!  Baby number 2 
for Ed and Jo could also  arrive soon.  Watch this space for news on a  new nephew or niece (spot the excited "Auntie in waiting"!)

Speaking of play dough....WHY didn't I do this sooner....make my own?!  
 It was so easy (i especially liked the tip online to add the colour to the water BEFORE mixing it - easier to blend the colour)....

1 cup flour (plain)
1/4 cup salt
1/4 water (add colour to this)

Knead together...and play!  I made 4 different colours, and it's now in my fridge waiting for another day!  The children played with it for aaaaages!  When I get some more food colouring I'll improve on the colour options.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh -- THANKS for the play dough recipe... I'll have to set my 11yo dd to making it -- my other 4 would LOVE it. LOVE IT!!
